Bridlington Road, Driffield, East Yorkshire, YO25 5HN
01377 253371

Governing Body

We are a group of parents, members of the community and staff, who work collectively to form the Governing Body.  We give our time voluntarily to support and challenge the Headteacher and Senior Leadership Team in the governance and strategic leadership of the school. 


We focus on three key areas, specified for Governors by the Department for Education:

  1. Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  2. Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils
  3. Overseeing the financial performance of the school and ensuring money is well spent.


As governors, we also have a responsibility to ensure that:

  • The National Curriculum is followed
  • Ensure that special educational needs are met
  • Monitor the condition of the school grounds and building.


We meet as a full committee at least once per term and attend sub-committee meetings for finance, premises, personnel and curriculum. 

In addition individual governors:

  • Meet with staff, ie, subject co-ordinators, SENCO, Designated Safeguarding Lead
  • Visit the school to undertake learning walks
  • Undertake book scrutinies and talk to children
  • Conduct premises health & safety inspections
  • Attend concerts, plays and other events


We are committed to achieving an excellent environment where all pupils can achieve their potential.



 Our Co-Chairs of Governors, Mrs J Furbank and Mr V Barrett, may be contacted through the school office.


  • None of our governors are also a governor at any other educational establishments.
  • There are no personal relationships between any governors and school staff.
  • None of our governors have declared a business or pecuniary interest in the business of the school. 



In addition to three full governing body meetings each year, governors also meet each term for the following sub-committees:

Curriculum and Personnel Committee

Finance and Premises (including health & safety) Committee

Safeguarding Working Party

The following committees can be called to deal with specific issues and would be made up of at least three governors with no prior involvement, co-opted by the chair of governors:

Appeals Committee

Complaints Committee

Discipline Committee


Who are our school governors?


Mr V Barrett

I spent my working life in the world of education as a secondary school teacher of English in Sutton Coldfield and then Bridlington before moving on to become a local authority adviser, teacher trainer and Ofsted inspector. I became particularly interested in young people’s progression from school and was elected President of the National Association for Careers Education and Guidance from 2011-13.

I have been involved in school governance since my elder daughter started Driffield Infants School in 1992 and have since served as a governor at three of the four Driffield schools. I am also Vice Chair of the regional Governors’ Association throughout Hull and East Riding (GAtHER) and a governor rep on the East Riding School Improvement Partners (ERSIP) Executive Group.

Now retired, I am very pleased to have returned to Driffield Junior School to serve as a governor for the second time. I know the school well and feel I can offer support to senior leaders to ensure its continuing success.

Mrs J Furbank


I retired in 2014 after over 30 years of teaching science, mainly at Driffield School where I ended my career as head of science.  I really missed the classroom so decided to volunteer at Driffield Junior School one morning per week which I thoroughly enjoyed. 

I was invited to join the governing body and in June 2016 was co-opted onto it.  My responsibilities include attendance and I serve on the personnel and curriculum committee and the safeguarding group. 

I feel that my first-hand experience of teaching and my leadership role as head of science gives me a wide understanding of the issues which affect schools. I am passionate about education for all children of all abilities and wish to continue to support them to reach their potential.

I am married and have two adult children.


Mrs A Hall - Vice Chair


I joined the Governing body as a parent governor in December 2010, by the end of my term both my sons had moved onto the senior school. No longer a parent I was still keen to play a part in the school and its governance. I was then reappointed as a co-opted governor until March 2019. 

I am married to David and we have two sons, Charlie (15) and Alex (13) and we live in Skerne. I am the Assistant Head at Kings Mill School, which is a local Driffield school for pupils with autism and severe and profound learning difficulties, where I have worked for 25 years!! I teach a class of key stage 3 (school years 7,8 and 9) pupils with autism. In my role, I wear many hats!  As well as teaching and being a member of the senior leadership team I work closely with parents, colleagues and other mainstream and special schools giving advice and training on behaviour management, de-escalation skills and moving and handling techniques. As a result of my experience, my delegated role is that of  S.E.N.D (Special Educational Needs and Disability) governor. I am also the vice–chair.

I feel that my first-hand experience of teaching gives me a broad background and a wide understanding of the issues affecting schools within the authority. I am dedicated to children’s education, supporting pupils of all abilities to achieve their potential. I am very keen to continue being able to support all that the school is aiming to achieve and to bring my experiences of working within education and as a parent to the school’s decision-making processes.

Mrs L Rugg
I have been involved with Driffield Junior School for 11 years as a parent and previous Chair of the PSA.  I currently have a child in year 5. I have lived in Driffield for 18 years, I’m married and have two boys and a very energetic Labrador!
I believe in making the student’s journey as enjoyable and beneficial as possible and I want each child to have fair and equal opportunities. In my Governor role I will assist with planning for Pupil Premium and consider how we approach supporting eligible students. I really enjoy seeing children progress, both socially and educationally. I intend to do regular learning walks and support to make sure that the school is the best it can be.
Mrs S Henderson

I am a mum of 3 lovely children and we currently live in Driffield. We relocated from the North East of Scotland in 2019 back to my roots of East Yorkshire.  I am new to the role of Parent Governor but I am looking forward to the challenge. I hope that my background in education will lend well to this role.  I qualified as a primary teacher in Aberdeen and have been involved in education for over 16 years.  In that time, I have taught in a variety of schools and nurseries, taught at all stages of primary and run several after school clubs.  I am passionate about education and getting the best from the children by providing them with opportunities where they can excel. As such, I joined the Governing Body at Driffield Junior School to support the school staff and children to help them achieve to the best of their ability. 

Mr J Jenkinson

My wife, my 14-year-old daughter and I moved to Driffield in September 2020. Prior to the move, we lived in Salford, Greater Manchester and I was Chair of Governors at my daughter's primary school from 2014 to July 2020. I stepped down in 2020 because we were moving to Driffield. I have experienced two OFSTED inspections and led the recruitment process for both a head teacher and deputy's head. I have attended many committee meetings and chaired around 20 full governing body meetings.  Although retired now, my career was IY based and I worked for a major UK bank for 23 years.



Governors Attendance at FGB meetings 2021/22
R Backhose 1/1
V Barrett 3/3
R Dixon 3/3
J Furbank 2/3
A Hall 3/3
K Hamilton 2/3
S Henderson 1/1
J Jenkinson 1/1
R Kirven 0/1 - Retired June 2022
L Laird 3/3
L Naylor 2/2 - Retired June 2022
R Pinkney 3/3
L Rugg 1/1
L Selby 1/1
E Sutcliffe 3/3 - retired August 2022

The following members of staff are also members of the Governing Body

Mrs L Laird - Headteacher

Mrs R Dixon - Deputy Headteacher

Mrs K Hamilton - School Business Manager

Mr D Lowe - Staff representative

How could you become a governor?

For further information please use the following link.

There is also more information on the National Governors Association (NGA) website 

Bridlington Road, Driffield, East Yorkshire, YO25 5HN
01377 253371

Governing Body

We are a group of parents, members of the community and staff, who work collectively to form the Governing Body.  We give our time voluntarily to support and challenge the Headteacher and Senior Leadership Team in the governance and strategic leadership of the school. 


We focus on three key areas, specified for Governors by the Department for Education:

  1. Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  2. Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils
  3. Overseeing the financial performance of the school and ensuring money is well spent.


As governors, we also have a responsibility to ensure that:

  • The National Curriculum is followed
  • Ensure that special educational needs are met
  • Monitor the condition of the school grounds and building.


We meet as a full committee at least once per term and attend sub-committee meetings for finance, premises, personnel and curriculum. 

In addition individual governors:

  • Meet with staff, ie, subject co-ordinators, SENCO, Designated Safeguarding Lead
  • Visit the school to undertake learning walks
  • Undertake book scrutinies and talk to children
  • Conduct premises health & safety inspections
  • Attend concerts, plays and other events


We are committed to achieving an excellent environment where all pupils can achieve their potential.



 Our Co-Chairs of Governors, Mrs J Furbank and Mr V Barrett, may be contacted through the school office.


  • None of our governors are also a governor at any other educational establishments.
  • There are no personal relationships between any governors and school staff.
  • None of our governors have declared a business or pecuniary interest in the business of the school. 



In addition to three full governing body meetings each year, governors also meet each term for the following sub-committees:

Curriculum and Personnel Committee

Finance and Premises (including health & safety) Committee

Safeguarding Working Party

The following committees can be called to deal with specific issues and would be made up of at least three governors with no prior involvement, co-opted by the chair of governors:

Appeals Committee

Complaints Committee

Discipline Committee


Who are our school governors?


Mr V Barrett

I spent my working life in the world of education as a secondary school teacher of English in Sutton Coldfield and then Bridlington before moving on to become a local authority adviser, teacher trainer and Ofsted inspector. I became particularly interested in young people’s progression from school and was elected President of the National Association for Careers Education and Guidance from 2011-13.

I have been involved in school governance since my elder daughter started Driffield Infants School in 1992 and have since served as a governor at three of the four Driffield schools. I am also Vice Chair of the regional Governors’ Association throughout Hull and East Riding (GAtHER) and a governor rep on the East Riding School Improvement Partners (ERSIP) Executive Group.

Now retired, I am very pleased to have returned to Driffield Junior School to serve as a governor for the second time. I know the school well and feel I can offer support to senior leaders to ensure its continuing success.

Mrs J Furbank


I retired in 2014 after over 30 years of teaching science, mainly at Driffield School where I ended my career as head of science.  I really missed the classroom so decided to volunteer at Driffield Junior School one morning per week which I thoroughly enjoyed. 

I was invited to join the governing body and in June 2016 was co-opted onto it.  My responsibilities include attendance and I serve on the personnel and curriculum committee and the safeguarding group. 

I feel that my first-hand experience of teaching and my leadership role as head of science gives me a wide understanding of the issues which affect schools. I am passionate about education for all children of all abilities and wish to continue to support them to reach their potential.

I am married and have two adult children.


Mrs A Hall - Vice Chair


I joined the Governing body as a parent governor in December 2010, by the end of my term both my sons had moved onto the senior school. No longer a parent I was still keen to play a part in the school and its governance. I was then reappointed as a co-opted governor until March 2019. 

I am married to David and we have two sons, Charlie (15) and Alex (13) and we live in Skerne. I am the Assistant Head at Kings Mill School, which is a local Driffield school for pupils with autism and severe and profound learning difficulties, where I have worked for 25 years!! I teach a class of key stage 3 (school years 7,8 and 9) pupils with autism. In my role, I wear many hats!  As well as teaching and being a member of the senior leadership team I work closely with parents, colleagues and other mainstream and special schools giving advice and training on behaviour management, de-escalation skills and moving and handling techniques. As a result of my experience, my delegated role is that of  S.E.N.D (Special Educational Needs and Disability) governor. I am also the vice–chair.

I feel that my first-hand experience of teaching gives me a broad background and a wide understanding of the issues affecting schools within the authority. I am dedicated to children’s education, supporting pupils of all abilities to achieve their potential. I am very keen to continue being able to support all that the school is aiming to achieve and to bring my experiences of working within education and as a parent to the school’s decision-making processes.

Mrs L Rugg
I have been involved with Driffield Junior School for 11 years as a parent and previous Chair of the PSA.  I currently have a child in year 5. I have lived in Driffield for 18 years, I’m married and have two boys and a very energetic Labrador!
I believe in making the student’s journey as enjoyable and beneficial as possible and I want each child to have fair and equal opportunities. In my Governor role I will assist with planning for Pupil Premium and consider how we approach supporting eligible students. I really enjoy seeing children progress, both socially and educationally. I intend to do regular learning walks and support to make sure that the school is the best it can be.
Mrs S Henderson

I am a mum of 3 lovely children and we currently live in Driffield. We relocated from the North East of Scotland in 2019 back to my roots of East Yorkshire.  I am new to the role of Parent Governor but I am looking forward to the challenge. I hope that my background in education will lend well to this role.  I qualified as a primary teacher in Aberdeen and have been involved in education for over 16 years.  In that time, I have taught in a variety of schools and nurseries, taught at all stages of primary and run several after school clubs.  I am passionate about education and getting the best from the children by providing them with opportunities where they can excel. As such, I joined the Governing Body at Driffield Junior School to support the school staff and children to help them achieve to the best of their ability. 

Mr J Jenkinson

My wife, my 14-year-old daughter and I moved to Driffield in September 2020. Prior to the move, we lived in Salford, Greater Manchester and I was Chair of Governors at my daughter's primary school from 2014 to July 2020. I stepped down in 2020 because we were moving to Driffield. I have experienced two OFSTED inspections and led the recruitment process for both a head teacher and deputy's head. I have attended many committee meetings and chaired around 20 full governing body meetings.  Although retired now, my career was IY based and I worked for a major UK bank for 23 years.



Governors Attendance at FGB meetings 2021/22
R Backhose 1/1
V Barrett 3/3
R Dixon 3/3
J Furbank 2/3
A Hall 3/3
K Hamilton 2/3
S Henderson 1/1
J Jenkinson 1/1
R Kirven 0/1 - Retired June 2022
L Laird 3/3
L Naylor 2/2 - Retired June 2022
R Pinkney 3/3
L Rugg 1/1
L Selby 1/1
E Sutcliffe 3/3 - retired August 2022

The following members of staff are also members of the Governing Body

Mrs L Laird - Headteacher

Mrs R Dixon - Deputy Headteacher

Mrs K Hamilton - School Business Manager

Mr D Lowe - Staff representative

How could you become a governor?

For further information please use the following link.

There is also more information on the National Governors Association (NGA) website 

Bridlington Road, Driffield, East Yorkshire, YO25 5HN
01377 253371

Governing Body

We are a group of parents, members of the community and staff, who work collectively to form the Governing Body.  We give our time voluntarily to support and challenge the Headteacher and Senior Leadership Team in the governance and strategic leadership of the school. 


We focus on three key areas, specified for Governors by the Department for Education:

  1. Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  2. Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils
  3. Overseeing the financial performance of the school and ensuring money is well spent.


As governors, we also have a responsibility to ensure that:

  • The National Curriculum is followed
  • Ensure that special educational needs are met
  • Monitor the condition of the school grounds and building.


We meet as a full committee at least once per term and attend sub-committee meetings for finance, premises, personnel and curriculum. 

In addition individual governors:

  • Meet with staff, ie, subject co-ordinators, SENCO, Designated Safeguarding Lead
  • Visit the school to undertake learning walks
  • Undertake book scrutinies and talk to children
  • Conduct premises health & safety inspections
  • Attend concerts, plays and other events


We are committed to achieving an excellent environment where all pupils can achieve their potential.



 Our Co-Chairs of Governors, Mrs J Furbank and Mr V Barrett, may be contacted through the school office.


  • None of our governors are also a governor at any other educational establishments.
  • There are no personal relationships between any governors and school staff.
  • None of our governors have declared a business or pecuniary interest in the business of the school. 



In addition to three full governing body meetings each year, governors also meet each term for the following sub-committees:

Curriculum and Personnel Committee

Finance and Premises (including health & safety) Committee

Safeguarding Working Party

The following committees can be called to deal with specific issues and would be made up of at least three governors with no prior involvement, co-opted by the chair of governors:

Appeals Committee

Complaints Committee

Discipline Committee


Who are our school governors?


Mr V Barrett

I spent my working life in the world of education as a secondary school teacher of English in Sutton Coldfield and then Bridlington before moving on to become a local authority adviser, teacher trainer and Ofsted inspector. I became particularly interested in young people’s progression from school and was elected President of the National Association for Careers Education and Guidance from 2011-13.

I have been involved in school governance since my elder daughter started Driffield Infants School in 1992 and have since served as a governor at three of the four Driffield schools. I am also Vice Chair of the regional Governors’ Association throughout Hull and East Riding (GAtHER) and a governor rep on the East Riding School Improvement Partners (ERSIP) Executive Group.

Now retired, I am very pleased to have returned to Driffield Junior School to serve as a governor for the second time. I know the school well and feel I can offer support to senior leaders to ensure its continuing success.

Mrs J Furbank


I retired in 2014 after over 30 years of teaching science, mainly at Driffield School where I ended my career as head of science.  I really missed the classroom so decided to volunteer at Driffield Junior School one morning per week which I thoroughly enjoyed. 

I was invited to join the governing body and in June 2016 was co-opted onto it.  My responsibilities include attendance and I serve on the personnel and curriculum committee and the safeguarding group. 

I feel that my first-hand experience of teaching and my leadership role as head of science gives me a wide understanding of the issues which affect schools. I am passionate about education for all children of all abilities and wish to continue to support them to reach their potential.

I am married and have two adult children.


Mrs A Hall - Vice Chair


I joined the Governing body as a parent governor in December 2010, by the end of my term both my sons had moved onto the senior school. No longer a parent I was still keen to play a part in the school and its governance. I was then reappointed as a co-opted governor until March 2019. 

I am married to David and we have two sons, Charlie (15) and Alex (13) and we live in Skerne. I am the Assistant Head at Kings Mill School, which is a local Driffield school for pupils with autism and severe and profound learning difficulties, where I have worked for 25 years!! I teach a class of key stage 3 (school years 7,8 and 9) pupils with autism. In my role, I wear many hats!  As well as teaching and being a member of the senior leadership team I work closely with parents, colleagues and other mainstream and special schools giving advice and training on behaviour management, de-escalation skills and moving and handling techniques. As a result of my experience, my delegated role is that of  S.E.N.D (Special Educational Needs and Disability) governor. I am also the vice–chair.

I feel that my first-hand experience of teaching gives me a broad background and a wide understanding of the issues affecting schools within the authority. I am dedicated to children’s education, supporting pupils of all abilities to achieve their potential. I am very keen to continue being able to support all that the school is aiming to achieve and to bring my experiences of working within education and as a parent to the school’s decision-making processes.

Mrs L Rugg
I have been involved with Driffield Junior School for 11 years as a parent and previous Chair of the PSA.  I currently have a child in year 5. I have lived in Driffield for 18 years, I’m married and have two boys and a very energetic Labrador!
I believe in making the student’s journey as enjoyable and beneficial as possible and I want each child to have fair and equal opportunities. In my Governor role I will assist with planning for Pupil Premium and consider how we approach supporting eligible students. I really enjoy seeing children progress, both socially and educationally. I intend to do regular learning walks and support to make sure that the school is the best it can be.
Mrs S Henderson

I am a mum of 3 lovely children and we currently live in Driffield. We relocated from the North East of Scotland in 2019 back to my roots of East Yorkshire.  I am new to the role of Parent Governor but I am looking forward to the challenge. I hope that my background in education will lend well to this role.  I qualified as a primary teacher in Aberdeen and have been involved in education for over 16 years.  In that time, I have taught in a variety of schools and nurseries, taught at all stages of primary and run several after school clubs.  I am passionate about education and getting the best from the children by providing them with opportunities where they can excel. As such, I joined the Governing Body at Driffield Junior School to support the school staff and children to help them achieve to the best of their ability. 

Mr J Jenkinson

My wife, my 14-year-old daughter and I moved to Driffield in September 2020. Prior to the move, we lived in Salford, Greater Manchester and I was Chair of Governors at my daughter's primary school from 2014 to July 2020. I stepped down in 2020 because we were moving to Driffield. I have experienced two OFSTED inspections and led the recruitment process for both a head teacher and deputy's head. I have attended many committee meetings and chaired around 20 full governing body meetings.  Although retired now, my career was IY based and I worked for a major UK bank for 23 years.



Governors Attendance at FGB meetings 2021/22
R Backhose 1/1
V Barrett 3/3
R Dixon 3/3
J Furbank 2/3
A Hall 3/3
K Hamilton 2/3
S Henderson 1/1
J Jenkinson 1/1
R Kirven 0/1 - Retired June 2022
L Laird 3/3
L Naylor 2/2 - Retired June 2022
R Pinkney 3/3
L Rugg 1/1
L Selby 1/1
E Sutcliffe 3/3 - retired August 2022

The following members of staff are also members of the Governing Body

Mrs L Laird - Headteacher

Mrs R Dixon - Deputy Headteacher

Mrs K Hamilton - School Business Manager

Mr D Lowe - Staff representative

How could you become a governor?

For further information please use the following link.

There is also more information on the National Governors Association (NGA) website 

Bridlington Road, Driffield, East Yorkshire, YO25 5HN
01377 253371

Governing Body

We are a group of parents, members of the community and staff, who work collectively to form the Governing Body.  We give our time voluntarily to support and challenge the Headteacher and Senior Leadership Team in the governance and strategic leadership of the school. 


We focus on three key areas, specified for Governors by the Department for Education:

  1. Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  2. Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils
  3. Overseeing the financial performance of the school and ensuring money is well spent.


As governors, we also have a responsibility to ensure that:

  • The National Curriculum is followed
  • Ensure that special educational needs are met
  • Monitor the condition of the school grounds and building.


We meet as a full committee at least once per term and attend sub-committee meetings for finance, premises, personnel and curriculum. 

In addition individual governors:

  • Meet with staff, ie, subject co-ordinators, SENCO, Designated Safeguarding Lead
  • Visit the school to undertake learning walks
  • Undertake book scrutinies and talk to children
  • Conduct premises health & safety inspections
  • Attend concerts, plays and other events


We are committed to achieving an excellent environment where all pupils can achieve their potential.



 Our Co-Chairs of Governors, Mrs J Furbank and Mr V Barrett, may be contacted through the school office.


  • None of our governors are also a governor at any other educational establishments.
  • There are no personal relationships between any governors and school staff.
  • None of our governors have declared a business or pecuniary interest in the business of the school. 



In addition to three full governing body meetings each year, governors also meet each term for the following sub-committees:

Curriculum and Personnel Committee

Finance and Premises (including health & safety) Committee

Safeguarding Working Party

The following committees can be called to deal with specific issues and would be made up of at least three governors with no prior involvement, co-opted by the chair of governors:

Appeals Committee

Complaints Committee

Discipline Committee


Who are our school governors?


Mr V Barrett

I spent my working life in the world of education as a secondary school teacher of English in Sutton Coldfield and then Bridlington before moving on to become a local authority adviser, teacher trainer and Ofsted inspector. I became particularly interested in young people’s progression from school and was elected President of the National Association for Careers Education and Guidance from 2011-13.

I have been involved in school governance since my elder daughter started Driffield Infants School in 1992 and have since served as a governor at three of the four Driffield schools. I am also Vice Chair of the regional Governors’ Association throughout Hull and East Riding (GAtHER) and a governor rep on the East Riding School Improvement Partners (ERSIP) Executive Group.

Now retired, I am very pleased to have returned to Driffield Junior School to serve as a governor for the second time. I know the school well and feel I can offer support to senior leaders to ensure its continuing success.

Mrs J Furbank


I retired in 2014 after over 30 years of teaching science, mainly at Driffield School where I ended my career as head of science.  I really missed the classroom so decided to volunteer at Driffield Junior School one morning per week which I thoroughly enjoyed. 

I was invited to join the governing body and in June 2016 was co-opted onto it.  My responsibilities include attendance and I serve on the personnel and curriculum committee and the safeguarding group. 

I feel that my first-hand experience of teaching and my leadership role as head of science gives me a wide understanding of the issues which affect schools. I am passionate about education for all children of all abilities and wish to continue to support them to reach their potential.

I am married and have two adult children.


Mrs A Hall - Vice Chair


I joined the Governing body as a parent governor in December 2010, by the end of my term both my sons had moved onto the senior school. No longer a parent I was still keen to play a part in the school and its governance. I was then reappointed as a co-opted governor until March 2019. 

I am married to David and we have two sons, Charlie (15) and Alex (13) and we live in Skerne. I am the Assistant Head at Kings Mill School, which is a local Driffield school for pupils with autism and severe and profound learning difficulties, where I have worked for 25 years!! I teach a class of key stage 3 (school years 7,8 and 9) pupils with autism. In my role, I wear many hats!  As well as teaching and being a member of the senior leadership team I work closely with parents, colleagues and other mainstream and special schools giving advice and training on behaviour management, de-escalation skills and moving and handling techniques. As a result of my experience, my delegated role is that of  S.E.N.D (Special Educational Needs and Disability) governor. I am also the vice–chair.

I feel that my first-hand experience of teaching gives me a broad background and a wide understanding of the issues affecting schools within the authority. I am dedicated to children’s education, supporting pupils of all abilities to achieve their potential. I am very keen to continue being able to support all that the school is aiming to achieve and to bring my experiences of working within education and as a parent to the school’s decision-making processes.

Mrs L Rugg
I have been involved with Driffield Junior School for 11 years as a parent and previous Chair of the PSA.  I currently have a child in year 5. I have lived in Driffield for 18 years, I’m married and have two boys and a very energetic Labrador!
I believe in making the student’s journey as enjoyable and beneficial as possible and I want each child to have fair and equal opportunities. In my Governor role I will assist with planning for Pupil Premium and consider how we approach supporting eligible students. I really enjoy seeing children progress, both socially and educationally. I intend to do regular learning walks and support to make sure that the school is the best it can be.
Mrs S Henderson

I am a mum of 3 lovely children and we currently live in Driffield. We relocated from the North East of Scotland in 2019 back to my roots of East Yorkshire.  I am new to the role of Parent Governor but I am looking forward to the challenge. I hope that my background in education will lend well to this role.  I qualified as a primary teacher in Aberdeen and have been involved in education for over 16 years.  In that time, I have taught in a variety of schools and nurseries, taught at all stages of primary and run several after school clubs.  I am passionate about education and getting the best from the children by providing them with opportunities where they can excel. As such, I joined the Governing Body at Driffield Junior School to support the school staff and children to help them achieve to the best of their ability. 

Mr J Jenkinson

My wife, my 14-year-old daughter and I moved to Driffield in September 2020. Prior to the move, we lived in Salford, Greater Manchester and I was Chair of Governors at my daughter's primary school from 2014 to July 2020. I stepped down in 2020 because we were moving to Driffield. I have experienced two OFSTED inspections and led the recruitment process for both a head teacher and deputy's head. I have attended many committee meetings and chaired around 20 full governing body meetings.  Although retired now, my career was IY based and I worked for a major UK bank for 23 years.



Governors Attendance at FGB meetings 2021/22
R Backhose 1/1
V Barrett 3/3
R Dixon 3/3
J Furbank 2/3
A Hall 3/3
K Hamilton 2/3
S Henderson 1/1
J Jenkinson 1/1
R Kirven 0/1 - Retired June 2022
L Laird 3/3
L Naylor 2/2 - Retired June 2022
R Pinkney 3/3
L Rugg 1/1
L Selby 1/1
E Sutcliffe 3/3 - retired August 2022

The following members of staff are also members of the Governing Body

Mrs L Laird - Headteacher

Mrs R Dixon - Deputy Headteacher

Mrs K Hamilton - School Business Manager

Mr D Lowe - Staff representative

How could you become a governor?

For further information please use the following link.

There is also more information on the National Governors Association (NGA) website