Bridlington Road, Driffield, East Yorkshire, YO25 5HN
01377 253371

Working in Partnership

It is extremely important that parents/carers and the school work in partnership together to support the children’s education and secure their well-being. We are always seeking ways to develop and improve this partnership and really welcome any suggestions you may have. There are a number of valuable ways that you can support your child and feel part of the school community.


This is an area in which we continually value your support and time, it really makes a big difference to your child if you take interest in their academic achievements and can show enthusiasm for school. Your child will receive weekly spellings and times tables to work on, as well as a piece of maths homework.


Nurturing a real love of reading is something we see as being very important, and hearing your child read and actively engaging with the text are hugely beneficial.  Please carry on hearing your child read as regularly as possible and record it as a "read" in their planner

Support at home

This is probably the most important, particularly if you are able to give generously of your time and interest in discussing with your child what they are doing at school. Time to hear children read, time to discuss projects or difficulties and time supporting hobbies and outside interests will all be invaluable. There will inevitably be times when some parents/ carers question the school’s practice and we would simply ask that you come into school to do so, rather than in front of your child.

By visiting

If you have a concern or wish to see your child’s class teacher then call into the office either  before or after school, or telephone the school to arrange a mutually convenient appointment. You are always welcome in school but we would ask parents/carers not to make casual visits when the school is actually in session as interruptions obviously disturb lessons. Formal parent-teacher interviews are held each term and we also involve children in the spring and summer meetings.

By vounteering

You can be of real assistance by volunteering your time on a regular basis. Such support enables us to provide a rich variety of experiences for the children and increased opportunities to converse with adults. Currently parents/carers give time to help hear children read, help with art and craft activities, run extra curricular activities, help with swimming, help on educational visits, to name only a few. If you would like to help in this way please contact the school. Local authority police clearance procedures are strictly adhered to for the protection of children.